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Fabulous Fuschias from Dedrick's

If you're in the mood for something truly exotic looking be sure to stop by our greenhouse and take a look at our Fuschia's!

Fuschia in Hanging Baskets at Dedrick's Farm Market greenhouse near Ithaca New York
Fuschia in Hanging Baskets at Dedrick's Farm Market

Fuchsias may seem a little fussy, but they're well worth finding just the right spot. Fuschia's will sunburn when exposed to too much light, but they won't bloom in total shade. The challenge is to find or create a spot that provides strong, indirect light most of the day, so our hanging baskets on a porch or patio would be just right. Full morning sun for a few hours is excellent for fuchsias, but the hot midday or afternoon sun will bake them.

We have a great variety of flowering plants in stock right now, with more arriving several times a week. We're conveniently located on Route 13 between Cortland and Ithaca right across from the entrance to TC3!

Plants nursery Ithaca. Plants Cortland. Plant Nursery Lansing



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